    I    II    III    IV    V    VI    VII   VIII    IX    X     XI    XII    XIII    XIV

Station XI: Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross

Pamela Cremer

I was raised Catholic. I draw upon the symbolism of the Catholic Church in my work. Such isthe case for my contribution to the Stations of the Cross Project, which I have entitled, “The Charm of Torture: Tears of Shame.”

CHARM: An action or formula thought to have magical power.
TORTURE: Excruciating physical or mental pain and agony.
TEARS: A profusion of salty liquid spilling from the eyes and wetting the cheeks, especially as an expression of emotion.
SHAME: A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace.

Torture is meant to shame the victim and is a shameful act by the torturer and those ordering
such acts.

Pamela Cremer is a glass artist and instructor at Madison Area Technical College in the Graphic DesignDepartment. Pamela is owner of Pamdemoneum Studio in Monona, Wisconsin. She has exhibited her work in many locations throughout the Midwest.


The Charm of Torture: Tears of Shame
Paint, canvas, metal, glass, 48" 36"